Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Blog Post #2

            In media, specific stereotypes are seen in the way that characters are presented. From jocks to nerds, people tend to group and represent people in similar ways. In my project, one group that I want to address is teenagers. Teenagers are always presented as lazy and unmotivated, but I do not believe this to be a fair assumption. Adults believe teenagers are only into technology, which can be seen throughout different pieces of media. I do not agree with these assumptions and hope to be able to represent teenagers differently in my project.
            In the media, different movies and television shows portray teenagers in this way. For example, in the show Pretty Little Liars, the entire plot revolves around cell phones. The five girls are constantly texting and receiving texts from “A”. In the show, the girls text more than they talk in person, and get clues in order to solve the mysterious disappearance of one of their best friends. This can also be seen in the movie The Internship. One of the prominent characters in this movie was constantly on their phone. While trying to get jobs at google, the teenager spends the majority of the movie involved with their phone instead of attempting to get the job. This is just the start, as this theme is seen through multiple other movies and shows.
            I do not agree with the way in which this group is portrayed. I think this is a general assumption put on this age group, but it is not representative of every teenager. In majority, most teenagers tend to be motivated by a specific cause, even if adults do not understand or agree it. I would challenge this representation because I do not think it is accurate in describing the entire age group. 

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