Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Materials List

Hey blog! Today my group members and I are making a materials list in order to be more prepared for the project. We have really pushed off working on it a lot, because we have all been super busy with school and extracurriculars. However, we didn't realize how fast the due date is approaching and want to film this weekend. They looked at me crazy when I said that because it is so soon, but I think we can do it. 

Today we went scene by scene in order to see what supplies we need to get. We want to divide them up so we each can get a few, and in the end have them all ready by the weekend. The prop list we came up with is below! 

Props for media studies:

Opening Scene (burying the body):
Shovel- lauren
Dirt- home depot - tomorrow
Missing poster- lauren making

Second part:
Photo camera- lauren
Christian outfit 1: work out clothes
Christian outfit 2: normal clothes
Christian outfit 3: whatever he wears to play basketball
Hoodie for girl
Photos for shrine
Sticky notes

Similarly, we made an outline list for what shots we want each to be. It is below!

Opening Outline:
Shot of forest
Hear someone running- more shots of forest
See feet running
-silent shot of forest
-heart pounding
-see digging
-shovel in dirt
-dirt pile covering
-close up of her face breathing heavily
-after it shows the guy is copletely buried
-shot of her standing over the body
-pulls out missing poster
-close up of the missing poster
-shot of her saying “It didn’t have to be this way.”
-shot of her ripping the poster
-cut to white
-title come up in red

-the street name
- Sees time on her phone and peers out window where hes running
-grabs camera
- takes pic of him jogging
-show her taping the shot of him jogging and panning to other pictures of him
-takes picture of him in line at a store talking to sara
-show her cutting sara out of the pic
-take a picture of him at basketball practice
-show her taping that picture
-shows close ups of the collage of pics of him (include sticky notes of when hes at certain places etc)
-zoom out to lauren staring at the whole shrine

It was good that we made this list because it helped us to stay organized and be more productive. We are going to review it and add to it in the upcoming days in order to be ready for the weekend! Can't wait to start filming!

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