Friday, March 22, 2019

Spring Break Goals

Happy spring break! It's crazy that the project is due so soon. Callie and Sara are traveling when I am in town, and vice versa. I am gone the first half of spring break, so I do not plan on doing much then. However, this break I want to finish the reflection paper. I think it would be better to get this done now, especially since it is individual. It would allow for more group editing to be done when we all get back to Weston. Similarly, we also have to create a CCR for our project that I plan on doing over the break. I honestly am kind of confused on this part of the project. We watched an example in class and went over what it most be composed of.  I understand that we have to answer the five questions in a video, but I just do not understand what we show as we film the video. I think the CCR will take me a while to do, just because the directions are not as direct. However, my goal is to finish both before the break ends.

I have not talked much to my group members about the project. I need to, in order to ensure we are still on track and will be able to finish the majority by the end of break. I am going to call them tonight, and set a track in order to ensure that is it complete. I think a challenge for me will be actually sticking with doing work over the break, because I will be traveling and in another state. However, I need to be disciplined and get it done! I will keep on pace and work hard in order to focus in on the project and get my tasks done!

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